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How long has your child/young person been coming to LUPS?

“This is our first year with LUPS” “2 years” “3 years” “4 years” “6 years or more”

Please describe why LUPS is a valuable service for your family:

"As my child’s only carer LUPS is my only respite. To know my child was in a safe and fun environment meant I could fully relax and use the respite time" "It gives all the family a break and know that our child is happy." "A different environment for my child, mixing with other children, breaks up the holidays. I also work so means my child is not stuck at home, can have more fun." "This service is so valuable to us as I feel we can trust LUPS to take care of my sons complex needs, without judgement and with the freedom to play and be himself. All other groups, I worry about my child and inclusivity, but with LUPS I know that the buddies are trained, supported and I am confident he will have fun. This is so important because life does get hard and sometimes serious, we have also become very isolated due to Lockdowns etc. Such a caring team." "I don't know how we would do the summer holidays without LUPS, it makes such a difference to us knowing we have that break. It allows us to get the house together and a break that is desperately needed. For the children it allows them a sense of routine in the school holidays and some new activities to do and children their own age to spend time with. It's helpful to encourage 'X' to feel confident with adults who are new to him as he struggles with that." "'X' needs a routine and hates being out of the school routine. He becomes aggressive at times, very loud and he's sensory needs accelerate. Also 'X' is a twin and it allows me to have special days with 'X' and have vital mummy and daughter time that she does not get a lot of at the moment" "It gave my son a safe environment to play and burn off some energy. It also gave me a little break and even more importantly some much needed time to focus on my other two children." "My son has a lot of energy and to keep him entertained and busy for the whole school holidays is exhausting and I honestly don’t think I could cope. I also work part time and without the support lups provide I would simply have to leave as I wouldn’t let my son go with just anyone I would need to trust them and when lups they are amazing!!! They are all approachable, kind, knowledgeable ans they KNOW and want to know and help my son. 'X' is a very intuitive child and he wouldnt stay so anyone or anywhere he wasn’t accepted and cared for." "Provides much needed respite for other family members and siblings. Also provides an environment for my child to meet new people and learn new things." "Gives me a break and the opportunity to spend time with my other children (who usually miss out!). LUPS is so important to us as a family as it gives us a bit of 'normality'!"

Is there anything that LUPS could do differently?

“no I think lups is brilliant and i would be lost without them” “I don’t think so - just wish this amazing service could be available for all holidays” “No” “Not at present” “Would love better feedback, photos” “Perhaps some sports themes” “Just please never stop!!” “Encourage my child to do things he doesn’t do normally. Experiment with him as he responds differently in an outside environment than he does in his home environment. Encourage my child to do more activities that require sitting down and focussing as he spends a lot of time being followed on his own terms, which is good, but he does benefit from organised activity too” “More weeks in the summer holidays?”

How does your child/young person react when coming to LUPS?

“With lots of excitement!” “Loves to go” “Very excited” “They are really happy, ‘X’ literally tries to break in if he has to wait” “‘X’ loves coming to lups, he only gets a bit upset on the first day if it's being held at Heathfield as he thinks he is going to school. After that he can't wait to go in.” “He seemed to really enjoy it and was asking for Playscheme even after it had finished” “My son absolutely loves coming to LUPS and he looks forward to it - he is already telling me he is going to lups for Easter!” “Really enjoys it. Runs into the venue and doesn’t look back” “My son loves coming to LUPS - always very happy when it's a 'LUPS DAY’!”

How would you rate the playscheme LUPS provides?
- Outstanding
- Good
- Satisfactory
- Inadequate
Any other comments:

“Just thank you, I’m enormously grateful for the care you give my child” “Lups Staff are all very caring and our child always comes out happy and wanting to go to their play scheme.” “The staff work amazingly hard to reach the needs of the children, you can see their passion for what they do.” “Thank you so much for making fun possible and giving my child freedom to be themselves and feel included rather than excluded x” “Thank you so much for another excellent play scheme this year, the boys loved it” “Thank you so much for allowing ‘X’ to attend lups its been a god send in the summer holidays and at easter. Especially where their dad is no longer living in the uk.” “Can’t thank everyone at Lups enough. It meant so much that my son and our family could have that time over the holidays. They’re the most amazing group of people. They took the time to chat with me and ease any worries I had and have just been so incredible.” “I have recommended LUPS to many friends. They are amazing and the most genuine and caring people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. ‘X’ my son feels like it’s home from home, except with a young buddy to interact with instead of me!! As an only child it’s also an added need met for ‘X’ as he gets to see other children to play and interact with and have a cool older “buddy” to talk and be with like an older sister or brother - thank you LUPS” “This group is one of few that offer one to one support in the Hampshire area and it is extremely well managed and efficiently organised. Hope this group will continue to be very well supported by the short breaks scheme in the future.” “Thanks to all staff, you are all brilliant!”

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